General Rules
1. Do NOT RDM (Act of attacking or killing another friendly)
2. This is SeriousRP. That means you may not break character unless given permission to by a staff member.
3. Sims MUST be held in designated Sim areas (Hangers, CSR, Citadel).
4. Do not ask to be whitelisted into jobs that you have not been promoted/trained for.
5. Use common sense.
6 .Do not talk down on other battalions.
7. Do NOT FailRP.
8. Do NOT have your weapon out without permission.
9. Cannot use Racism.
10. PTS stands for Permission to Speak and it is not to be broken.
a. PTS is active in debriefs and promotion ceremonies.
b. PTS can be called by the highest in the rank room, the person hosting the meeting/sim, or gamemaster
c. If you are not one of these PTS applies to you.
d. PTS is active for all in DB no matter the rank except for the leader of the DB. A high-ranking player (Regimental Commander+, Rear Admiral+ or Shaak Ti+) can break PTS but only for a valid reason)
11. Regimental Commander+, Naval LTJG+, Jedi Council Member+ can call a promotion ceremony
12. Debriefs can happen after an event if the gamemaster chooses
13. Officers+, CG, Naval, and Jedi Knights+ are allowed on the third floor. Do not enter the third floor without signing in. If you are not one of these roles listed you must be accompanied by one if not, you cannot enter (Unless ordered by one of the roles listed, Defcon 4 with the battle station, or Defcon 5).
14. Do not enter another battalions barracks without permission from an officer or highest rank online from that battalion.
15. Do not have your weapons off-safety during Defcon 1.
16. All battalions must follow the Republic Hierarchy.
17. Cannot destroy the tac inserts of other players.
a. Can destroy tactical inserts of event jobs if gamemaster allows it.
18. Only CPT+, CG, Naval LTJG+, Jedi Knight 7+ (VII+), and Temple Guard can call AOS in advert with a reason stated.
a. Calling AOS must be adverted.
19. Everyone must be in TS to join a battalion.
20. Players cannot switch jobs during an RP situation to escape that specific RP situation.
21. Only Trainers and those with permission from Trainers can enter the CR room.
22. Anyone can use the shooting range, but you MUST move for CR training. It doesn’t matter rank or how many people you have.
23. NO ONE can interfere with CR training (except TRI+)
24. If you were in an event. Debrief is mandatory.
25. You cannot leave debrief once you are in it unless you are:
a. Dismissed.
b. Excused by the person running the DB, Regimental commander+, Rear Admiral+, or Jedi Master+.
c. Training a CR(Clone Recruit)
d. Staff reasons.
26. Use common sense, If you know you aren't supposed to do it or think it might be wrong don't do it.
27. Can not ask for personal information from anyone on our server.
28. You can not punch or slap people in serious role-playing environments. However, it is up to the victim to call an AOS.
29. You cannot AOS a higher rank than you (excluding CG and Temple Guards).
30. Redguard are allowed to AOS with a valid reason.
Claiming Rules
1. SMB+, Naval LTJG+, and Jedi Knight+ are allowed to claim any hanger, CSR, or Citadel.
a. SGT+, Naval, and Jedi Padawan+ can claim Citadel.
2. Must "/comms (Your battalion) claims (Location)"
a. The first person to advert gets the claim, rank does not overrule.
b. Can only have a claim for a max of 4 hours (cooldown of 20 minutes before claiming again after the 4 hours, unless HA+ allows)
c. Must wait for last claimed members leave before claiming it.
3. Must "/comms (Your battalion) unclaims (Location)" after use
4. If you do not leave a claimed area that is not yours the person with the claim may call and AOS if you do not leave after 3 vocal warnings (exception to the AOS rule)
a. If there is a person who is AFK ask staff to move them.
5. Citadel cannot be used for tryouts.
6. You cannot place tactical insertions in Citadel, this includes the spectator towers.
7. A battalion can only have one area claimed at a time.
8. Regimental Commander+ can claim any hanger, CSR, or Citadel for themselves.
a. Must “/comms I claim (Location)”
Sim Rules
1. Before starting a sim must "/comms Sim Start" must be used
2. When ending a sim must "/comms Sim End" must be used
3. CANNOT call "Sim Start" just to kill someone even in a sim area
4. Players cannot be reset by being killed, they must use /ct and switch back to their job
5. Sim Starts must be adverted (only adverted by the sim owner unless someone else is granted permission)
a. Citadel sims for those who cannot advert must use comms
6. No more than 6 event jobs allowed per sim room at any given time.
7. Each event job must be an event job. No roleplay jobs (C3PO, astromechs) can be "assassinated" in sims.
8. All general events jobs are allowed excluding any LORE characters or Night sisters of any sort.
9. No "mass execution" simulations. This means that no sims are allowed where the objective is for the sim jobs to kill everyone.
10. Only 2 simulations may run simultaneously at any given time.
11. Simulations must take place in one of these areas: Citadel, Custom Sim Room, or the designated simulation areas.
12. The game master must be in one of the event channels to do an event in one of the designated areas.
13. Spectators towers in Citadel are not apart of the simulation, killing anyone in/on/from the spectator tower will be classified as RDM.
a. Use the spectator tower to spectate, not something you use to run away from the simulation if you are wounded and similar.
14. Sim jobs health and armor must abide by game master rules.
Cloaking Rules
1. Only RC can see cloaked enemies at any time, including when they are cloaked and crouching
a. RC can call out these enemies current location for others
2. All players can see standing and moving cloaked enemies
3. No one can see enemies that are completely unmoving and cloaked (Exception is RC)
4. If a cloaked enemy stop moving and you can no longer see them you may fire on their last known position
5. Use common sense. Doors don’t open by themselves.
6. If a cloaked enemy has a weapon out the weapon is cloaked as well, unless they are firing.
7. If the enemy on their own accord runs into you while cloaked and crouched you can see them. (You cannot purposely run into them or run in their path)
Clone Rules
1. Never break the brotherhood code (Never shoot another brother no matter the circumstances; except in a sim)
2. Do not go on the 3rd floor or Engine Room without permission from naval or shock troopers.
3. Do not enter another battalion bunks without permission from one of that battalions members.
4. Once you join a battalion/regiment. There is a 3-day cool down before you can leave it and join another one. Breaking this will result in a 1-week suspension from all battalions.
5. Listen to higher-ups regardless of a battalion/jedi/naval in battle on/off the ship. If not in battle this rule still applies, however, an exception while not in battle is if it interferes with inter-battalion business.
6. Must respect all higher ranks at all times.
7. Promotions must be done in a public promotion ceremony or debrief. NO PRIVATE PROMOTIONS.
8. Must refer to all SGT+, Naval, Jedi Padawan+ and Senators as "sir".
9. Must salute SMB+, Naval LTJG+, Jedi Knight+ and Senators.
Jedi Rules
1. Battalion Jedi: Have only as much authority as the battalion commander gives them. Jedi only have Military Control over the (Jedi) Republic forces have control over the Clone Battalions. The only exception is Shaak Ti.
2. Any Jedi who wants to participate in the council must be appointed by the Council and Yoda. Must be ½ of the votes in the council with Yoda’s approval.
3. White sabers are only allowed at both Yoda’s and Windu’s discretion.
4. Purple sabers are only allowed at Windu’s discretion
5. Masters may only promote Knights twice per week. (Cannot promote the same person twice that week)
6. No Jedi is allowed to use Red, Black, or Gray colours.
7. Jedi can’t use donator weapons on their Jedi.
8. Any motions to change anything Jedi must be approved by the Jedi High Council.
9. There must be a Jedi Council.
10. There must be a Sentinel, Guardian, Consular and Temple Guard Leader.
11. There must be a mandatory trial for Jedi Padawan and Jedi Knight.
12. Padawans and Knights are not allowed to discuss about trials to others, doing so will result in punishment as it would exploit the trials allow others to cheat.
13. There must be a way to get Jedi Master.
14. There must be a Jedi Knight ranking system.
15. There must be a way for Jedi Masters to promote Jedi Knights.
16. There must be a way for Jedi Masters to get named Jedi Masters.
17. There must be a way for Jedi Masters to demote Jedi if needed without Yoda being present.
18. Lore Named Jedi Masters MUST be a part in events with their Lore Battalions when available.
19. If you are on LOA for more than 2+ weeks on a named Jedi Master you can be demoted from it.
20. There must be a system to punish Jedi that minge/ break the rules.
21. There must be a system of a tryout for Ahsoka Tano, Barriss Offee, Tiplar and Tiplee.
22. All past Yoda/Windu will stay as masters forever if they serve their full three-month term, and if the selected Windu stays for 2 months unless they minge or become completely inactive. *If Yoda resigns (not due to the reason for being promoted in the IFN) or removed from their position, they are no longer qualified for Master, even if they served a previous term.
23. ALL Jedi Masters must follow the rules laid down in Jedi Council, including Yoda and Mace Windu *If the rule is deemed arbitrary, then Yoda may overrule.
24. Approved classes: Consular, Guardians, Sentinel, Temple Guard, Shadows, Jedi Healer, Weapon Specialist, Sage.
25. Approved Advanced Sub-Classes: Librarian, Diplomat, Investigator, Recruiter, Instructor, and Peacekeeper.
26. No one, including Palpatine or any Jedi Generals+, Masters+, Windu, or Yoda may use the following abilities: Force Storm, Kyber Slam & Force Destruction.
a. This includes events, simulations, and event server events.
b. Using these abilities will result in an arrest for FailRP (25 minutes).
Fail RP
1. Standing and sitting on players.
2. Talking about Out of Character (OOC) things in RP.
3. The only location where you can speak Out of Character (OOC) is in the OOC lounge or in TS (Unless designated as not OOC by the commander in that channel)
4. Do not salute/bow during combat situations, only salute on the Venator or at a Republic Forward Operation Base.
5. No FailRP names.
6. Can’t jump or sit in the moonpool.
7. Can't be on top of Air Traffic Control (ATC)
8. You CANNOT sit or stand on anything you normally would not in real life, such as rails, lamps, people, ect...
9. You CANNOT have the visor body grouper on, EXCEPT if you have the helmet on.
10. You CANNOT crawl around prone on Defcon 1.
11. No severely anti-lore actions/activities can happen. Ex. A Jedi randomly decides to run into the forbidden section and “go to the dark side”, or a clone blows up a ship filled with 80+ civs. And no repercussions.
12. Event jobs cannot be lore clones or jedi characters.
13. The act of "+right" or anything similar in-game is considered a form of FailRP and is a kickable offense.
Staff Rules
1. Cannot break our server rules
2. Just because a ticket is made and you can’t handle it doesn’t mean you don’t take it. Take it and go up CoC
3. Do not disrespect players while in a sit (or anytime for that matter)
4. Do not take bribes
5. Do not go to a higher ranking staff member without permission
6. Do not use your staff abilities in RP situations
7. Do not spawn weapons or entities in RP ever. (Except for events by permission of Gamemaster)
8. Do not Administrate your own situation when you are RPing, contact another staff member to deal with the problem. (If no other staff is present and the player is repeatedly breaking rules, you can handle the situation.)
9. When you are staff you don't have "friends." Meaning you do not show favouritism toward your friends. (ex. Giving them ammo, failing to punish them for their misdeeds, defending a fail for your friends/faction etc.)
10. Do not whitelist yourself to jobs/roles in which you are not trained for or approved to use. (ex. Making yourself a commander when you are not)
11. Any staff caught on any other server breaking their rules or overall being unprofessional will be demoted.
12. No one shall staff more than one server, executives are exempt from this policy.
13. No staff can spawn themselves arrest batons to arrest or unarrest. The only time they can is when there are NO active Shock Troopers on.
14.Before banning a staff member a staff member must have another staff member present who is unbias to the situation. The third party staff member must be Elite Admin plus. This rule does not apply if staff member is RDMing, mass banning, kicking or muting.
15. Senior Admin must get approval from a Head Admin before permeability propping things outside of bunks or sim areas.